Jumaat, 7 Oktober 2011


Pada tahun 1986 sewaktu Tok Wan sedang gila memelihara ikan air tawar ada ler satu kolam tu Tok piara ikan keli. Oleh kerana ikan keli menggunakan bahagian dasar kolam maka kolam tersebut Tok kongsikan dengan ikan Rohu serta Tilaphia sebab Tilaphia duduk dibahagian atas sementara Rohu bahagian tengah.

Seorang rakan memberitahu pada Tok bahawa ikan keli ada 2 jenis bagi menandakan yang halal dan yang haram. Pada mulanya Tok sendiri tak percaya. Mana boleh ada keli halal atau haram (masa tu belum ada Logo Halal JAKIM lagi). Namun selepas Tok sendiri selidik ikan keli yang dipelihara oleh rakan berbangsa Tionghua dikolam dekat Batu Kong (sekarang flat ATM Desa Tun Razak) nyata cerita itu benar.

Perbezaan ikan keli memakan bahan haram dan halal

Haram (Ikan yang diternak orang bukan Melayu diberi makan perut ayam, bahan buangan, bangkai dan organ dalaman babi. Semua benda itu tidak halal untuk umat Islam)
· Kepala berbentuk 'V'
· Bentuk badan mirip torpedo
· Badan berwarna hitam berkilat
· Bahagian bawah badan berwarna putih melepak
· Bahagian antara bawah kepala dan badan berwarna kuning
· Apabila digoreng akan meletup kerana banyak lemak

Halal (diberi makan palet halal iaitu campuran beras hancur, tepung ikan, kepala ikan bilis, minyak sawit, bahan buangan kelapa sawit, kiambang dan vitamin)
· Kepala berbentuk 'U'
· Bentuk badan tirus
· Berwarna hitam kelabu dan tidak berkilat
· Bahagian bawah badan berwarna putih kelabu
· Tiada warna kuning kelihatan di bahagian antara bawah kepala dan badan
· Digoreng tidak meletup

Jadi info ini mungkin berguna sewaktu anda hendak membeli ikan keli dipasar.

Salam Ukhuwah..~

AWAS !! Jangan Beli Makanan Yang Ada Campuran Babi...

Buat Sahabat Dan Umat Seislamku,,Marilah Kita Pakat2 Berhati2 Dengan Rezeki Dan Apa Yang Akan Menjadi Darah Daging Kita..

Patutlah Lepas Makan Ni..Kita Susah Nak Baca Al Quran & Solat !!! Contoh Lain.. Apollo, Cadbury Etc. Print Code Ni Simpan Dlm Wallet Atauhenset. Refer Bila Nak Beli.

Semoga Allah Menghancurkan Kaum2 Yg Zalim & Musyrikin Yg Cuba Menghancurkan Islam. Wallahu A'lam Info : Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang

Yg Jelas Nye.....Pringles Pun Ader Gak Lemak Ni.

..Kalau Xcaya Tgk Ader E471 Kat Ingredients Nya Tu...Mmg Patut Lah Allah Turunkan Bala Virus Influenza Tu.... Xheran Lah Kalau Skg Ni Ramai Sgt Samseng, Yg Muda, Yg Tua

..Laki..Pompuan. ..Sama Jer.....Solat Yg Wajib Main Tinggal Jer..Doa Pun Byk Yg Tak Termakbul Ekoran Makanan2 Seperti Ni Yg Jadi Darah Daging.......Nauzubillah.. Camner Nak Lahirkan Lebih Ramai Islam Yg Betul2 'Muslim'... Dari Kecik Dah Disuapkan Dgn Makanan2 Mengarut Ni... Yg Heran Nya Caner Leh Ader Tanda Halal Bg Makanan2 Tersebut?

Bijaknya Org2 Kafir Memperdayakan Org2 Islam Hanya Dgn Makanan...... Kebijaksanaan Mereka Xkan Kekal Lama... Tp...Ingatlah Suatu Masa Yg Telah Ditetapkan Oleh Allah Swt, Org2 Mukmin Akan Bangkit Jua... Jika Kita Sedar Dan Prihatin..Forward Lah Untuk Rakan2 Seislam...Semoga Kita Lebih Berhati2 Ngan Tipu Daya & Helah Musuh2 Allah Swt...

Share Dan War2 Kan Kepada Sahabat2,,Dan Rakan 2 Seagama Kita..Allahuakbar...Kita Sama2 Berkongsi Sesuatu Yg Bermanfaat,,,Semoga Allah...Satu Kan Hati2 Kita Amin...

Mulsifiers E-Codes For Pig Fat 

1 E 100 16 E 280 31 E 434 46 E 482 
2 E 110 17 E 300 32 E 435 47 E 483 
3 E 120 18 E 301 33 E 436 48 E 491 
4 E 140 19 E 325 34 E 440 49 E 492 
5 E 141 20 E 326 35 E 441 50 E 493 
6 E 153 21 E 327 36 E 470 51 E 494 
7 E 160 22 E 334 37 E 471 52 E 495 
8 E 161 23 E 335 38 E 472 53 E 542 
9 E 210 24 E 336 39 E 473 54 E 570 
10 E 213 25 E 337 40 E 474 55 E 572 
11 E 214 26 E 422 41 E 475 56 E 631 
12 E 216 27 E 430 42 E 476 57 E 635 
13 E 234 28 E 431 43 E 477 58 E 904 
14 E 252 29 E 432 44 E 478 59 E 920 
15 E 270 30 E 433 45 E 481

Dari Abu Hurairah R.A…Nabi S.A.W. Sabdanya:

"Sesiapa Yang Mengajak Ke Jalan Mengerjakan Sesuatu Amal Yang Baik, Adalah Baginya Pahala Sebanyak Pahala Orang-Orang Yang Menurutnya, Dengan Tidak Mengurangi Sedikit Pun Pahala Itu Dari Pahala-Pahala Mereka, Dan (Sebaliknya) Sesiapa Yang Mengajak Kejalan Mengerjakan Sesuatu Amal Yang Menyesatkan, Adalah Ia Menanggung Dosa Sebanyak Dosa Orang-Orang Yang Menurutnya, Dengan Tidak Mengurangi Sedikit Pun Dosa Itu Dan Dosa-Dosa Mereka."

Petikan Daripada Kitab Fikhul Jihad Karangan

P/S::Tolong Kongsikan Benda Nie Dekat Rakan Seagama Kita..PLEASE !!!

Related Article::The Construction Of The Titanic

The RMS Titanic

The history of Titanic has enthralled the world quite unlike any other shipwreck known to man. A number of books, articles and movies have been made detailed the tragedy of the RMS Titanic. Both the 1950's version of the Titanic's sinking, "A Night to Remember' and the more recent film have been very popular. James Cameron's 1997 box office hit"Titanic" was so popular with viewers that it succeeded in breaking a number of box office sales records.

The public seems incapable of forgetting the tragic history of the Titanic. Numerous myths and legends have developed over the years since the ship sank on April 15, 1912. Some of the myths are true, and others have simply been derived from the imagination of the numerous people who have become somewhat obsessed with the history of Titanic. In part, some of the tales regarding Titanic history can be contributed to the tales spun by the 705 survivors. It has been speculated that more than one of the survivors 'embellished' their personal story. The 'unsinkable' Molly Brown is just one of the surviving passengers who are suspected of having added more than a little flair to their tale. 

When the names of the numerous famous first class passengers who were lost were revealed, the world was astounded that so many notable figures could perish in a single day. Conversely, immigrants who survived the sinking of the ship are now known worldwide for their part in the tragic history of Titanic. Poor and confined to the steerage of the ship, these individuals were only seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Instead however they earned an immortal place in Titanic history. 

Titanic history buffs are quite staunch in their dedication to preserving the truth regarding the history of the ship Titanic. When 'Titanic' was released in December of 1997 moviegoers flocked to the theaters to see the beauty and the tragedy of the fateful ship revealed on the big screen. A number of individuals who consider themselves experts on the history of Titanic were less than impressed with the number of errors contained within the film. Despite James Cameron's dedication to filming the most accurate version of the Titanic accident history possible, the movie never the less contained mistakes. Some of these mistakes had to be included in the movie to insure the viewer's suspense and enjoyment in the film. Others however were simply matters that had been overlooked during the making of the movie. 

The history of Titanic continues to be one of the most popular topics in the world. An insatiable thirst for information about the Titanic prompted researchers to search for the exact location of the wreckage site for a number of years. When the Titanic's wreckage was finally discovered in 1985, the world got its first look at the ship in more than sixty years. 

The tragic sinking of the Titanic and history of both those who survived and were lost, will forever be remembered with nostalgia and sadness.

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